Ticket Savings
Ticket Savings Catch a Show, Save Some Dough!
At The Muny, we want to make musical theatre accessible to all members of our community, regardless of age, ability or economic status.

A 20% student rush discount for select seats is available to high school and college students with a valid .edu email address or student ID. The offer is also available to participants of The Muny’s Teen Actor for Musical Theatre and T3 programs. Register now, and you’ll receive emails with reservation instructions for student tickets before each opening night.

The Young Friends are united by a shared love for The Muny. Together, they invest in the future of our theatre and cultivate the next generation of its patrons. Becoming a member is easy — and free! The only requirement is that you are a Muny fan between the ages of 21 and 40!
Sponsored by Anheuser-Busch

The Muny partners with community service organizations across St. Louis to provide their clients with free tickets. As part of our Community Access Program, nearly 100,000 guests each year are able to experience a Muny production free of charge. To learn more or to inquire about access for your organization, contact Group Services & Community Engagement Manager Jane Schell at (314) 595-5708 or [email protected].
Sponsored by the Crawford Taylor Foundation, the Thomas A. Kooyumjian Family Foundation and US Bank

Military Discount
We are proud to honor those who serve this country. Active military and service personnel with a valid ID may purchase tickets for any performance at a significant discount. Tickets are available in Terrace A and B and must be purchased from the box office. This discount may not be combined with any other discount and is not retroactive.

We think everyone deserves to experience the thrill of live theatre. That’s why the last nine rows of The Muny — more than 1,400 seats! — are always free to the public. Arrive early, though. The Muny free seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The gates open at 7 p.m. each evening in Lichtenstein Plaza.

Patti’s Pick
For Terry and Patricia Gould, what began in 1975 as “date night” in the free seats became a family tradition. After Patti’s passing, the family created the Patricia Wolf Gould Memorial Endowment Fund. Proceeds fund the Patti’s Pick program, which randomly bumps 10 patrons from the free seats to Terrace A on one night per show. If you join us in the free seats, we hope you will be among the lucky patrons who get to move closer to the magic in Patti’s honor.