Muny Garage Sale – November 12
by Sarah Fenske
Paintings that hung on the walls in My Fair Lady. The moon from The Addams Family. The carriage from Into the Woods.
You can get all these things — plus costumes, dozens and dozens of costumes — at the Muny’s garage sale on November 12. It is only the second such sale the theater has ever sponsored. And it’s going to be huge.
Tracy Utzmyers, the Muny’s production manager, said she’s been working on getting ready for the sale for two weeks already. In the next two weeks, she’ll be laying everything out and tagging it with prices — that’s how big the undertaking is.

“We’re in the thousands, item-wise,” she says. “There’s a lot.”
The sale — held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Muny’s home in Forest Park (enter by the backstage gates near Cafe One) — might be especially intoxicating for theater geeks and people running smaller companies. But any bargain hunter could find something neat. The flags from past shows are all for sale, as are blades from the theater’s old fans. There’s even a couch.
“If you love something, you can get a piece of it — and it’s a big help for the Muny, too,” Utzmeyers says. The cash infusion helps the non-profit maintain the warehouse where it holds the props and costumes it plans on keeping.
“Last time, people really came out and had a good time,” she says. “You can have fun, and hopefully we’ll raise a little money, too.”
Categories: Muny News