Enterprise Holdings Orchestra Pit

For a century, members of the Muny orchestra braved the elements from their traditional pit location at the front of the stage.
When rain interrupted a show, musicians and stagehands worked to protect the expensive instruments and take shelter. But as part of a multimillion-dollar renovation after our 2018 centennial season, the orchestra pit made a big move: under the stage, protected from the elements but still visible to the audience.
The Enterprise Holdings Orchestra Pit debuted in 2019. It offers protection for valuable sound equipment, reduces work for our stagehands, and provides a more suitable environment for musicians and technicians. The music director conducts the show from a position halfway between the pit and the stage, in sight for both actors and musicians. A small camera is focused on the conductor and streams a live video feed to each musician.
The new orchestra pit was made possible by a generous Second Century Capital Campaign gift from the Enterprise Holdings Foundation.
Just outside the orchestra pit, at stage left, is the Oak Lounge. It occupies the underground space once occupied by the roots of the 300-year-old oak that grew on the Muny stage. That unhealthy tree was removed in 2018 to make way for our new James S. McDonnell Stage.
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